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eventhough she sounds very blunt, but yoou have to agree that all she said are true.  ZHUMAMA thinks she did not see all the aspect of China, I agree.  But these superficial things will really turn you off, and you lost interest to see more.  Can you blame her?
Last year when I went back with my 5 and 7 year-old, I can tell the big difference between the kids grow up here and there.  My kids do not have the idea that you can throw trash anywhere you want------that is just simply never in there mind.  If they can not find trash can, they either kept trash in their hands or gave to grown-ups.  When we went to Hou-Qiu with several Chinese friends, one girl who was also 5y.o, throw something on the ground, and my 5y.o ran to pick it up immediately.  He also shouted to her in English that she was littering.  When we were in the hotel, my kids liked to chat with people who worked there, greeting people they don't know in the elevator just like in States, asking questions about different things with their mixed Chinese, always say thank-you to people who help us.   All of these are very different from the kids who grow up there.  I have to say, kids who grow up here are more kind (to people, to animal, to enviroment, etc.) and free-minded.