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最近, 空间里的游戏, 经常连不上,
是在是, 极大地打消了玩的兴趣
坛子里的那些大佬, 也不来回复此贴 !!!
Now is 11pm, I can not get in. You are right!
本帖最后由 cy9459 于 2010-1-23 03:36 编辑

I can get in at around 10PM California time for the past few days. Other time I can not get ln at all.
上上星期, 我和楼上一样

但是,后来是24小时, 都很难上.
I figure out whenever in the daytime(US), I can not get in. But whenever it is daytime over China), I can get in. So almost like someone turn off the computer after  dark.