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[闲谈] 死皮估价: 大家耐心看

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On the other hand, we could see a negative market reaction to a growing sense that Fed intervention may have its downside, resulting in an aberrant bond market and increased inflation/deflation risk.

We are indeed living in interesting times
江南有丹桔,经冬犹绿林。 岂伊地气暖,自有岁寒心。 可以荐佳客,奈何阻重深。 运命唯所遇,循环不可寻。 徒言树桃李,此木岂无阴。
江南有丹桔,经冬犹绿林。 岂伊地气暖,自有岁寒心。 可以荐佳客,奈何阻重深。 运命唯所遇,循环不可寻。 徒言树桃李,此木岂无阴。