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放开一点,到时候遇到合适的你就不会觉得窒息了。不然把自己的青春和时间浪费在一个男人身上太不值了。没有女人喜欢这种压力。放轻松,出去走走, 旅游啊什么的。

only make decisions because you want to, not because of anyone else. Life should be whatever you experience based on what you choose. 再说了,可能因为我本人生活在国外,我也不太相信中国式结婚生孩子照顾家就一定能让你幸福。太多太多的男人会在你把自己的一生都给了他之后背叛你。还不如发展自己呢,等你想要男人的时候再要。也不一定要把自己的全部都给他。

No shame in not wanting to commit. Plus, many successful women get married late in their lives and have children late. Heck, you can even adopt if you want. Men, are no longer a necessity in a women's life. You may choose to fall in love when the right man comes along, but you do not have to get married because you need a man, and have to have children.

What is happiness? Don't compromise yourself because of what society says.