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回复 12# momowang

If they add a little jewelry on the bags, yes, people will still buy...
BTW, many teens like MK...
看看KATE? 我觉得好漂亮的款式。
回复 29# 我想飞

Thanks! So I will wait for it to get to $34-35.
I also like Vera Bradley, especially its traveling bags. I bought a little bit of the stock today... I know the company is not doing well but when I went to the outlet store, it was packed with women of all ages :)
回复 31# qzhou3

I went to the store twice just to make sure and each time it was packed with people...
回复 33# 风吹

Tried to read VRA's earnings, fundamentals, and valuations, etc. No debt, cash flow great. But revenue is decreasing. I hope the price has already factored in the negative growth rate?
Don't give up on us for reading the reports. We are trying, and trying hard :) :)
回复 34# 我想飞

You are right about the value investment. I try to put half in value and leave them alone for 5-10 years, and half in short term "play". So far, my long is doing well but I am deeply negative in short term play.
I am still learning about what is the best balance for me from both return as well as effort. If possible I want to put 75% in long, but everything is "substantially stretched" so I don't have the courage to dive in completely...
I like your posts!!!