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不过这千军万马基本上不包括我。我的方法对大盘不是很敏感。 :)
擎天柱 发表于 2013-2-1 13:35

如果周五变天,也就是今天,应该一个gap down 啊, 那我昨天收盘空,怎么能算抢跑呢?

当然今天不 ...
擎天柱 发表于 2013-2-1 14:47

Please remember!!!!

Act only on what you see, but NOT on what you think, or on some prediction by someone else
本帖最后由 wsjboy 于 2013-2-1 15:22 编辑
Please remember!!!!

Act only on what you see, but NOT on what you think, or on some predictio ...
wsjboy 发表于 2013-2-1 15:11

I learned this lesson long time ago.

The greatest forecaster can be correct 9 times, but wrong just one time, which happened to be the only one you listened.

You cannot even complain, because he/she was correct many times before. Nobody can be correct all the time.

哦, 谢谢提醒。

擎天柱 发表于 2013-2-1 15:16

"吓了我一跳", the purpose of my post has been achieved, haha!