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Bear's hope

本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-10 17:47 编辑

今早灌水第11#贴谈了dark cloud 的可能性。结果,结果超预期。。。

20120910 更新(Bearish Engulfing )


The Bearish Engulfing Candlestick Pattern is a bearish reversal pattern, usually occuring at the top of an uptrend. The pattern consists of two Candlesticks:
* Smaller Bullish Candle (Day 1)
* Larger Bearish Candle (Day 2)

Generally, the bullish candle real body of Day 1 is contained within the real body of the bearish candle of Day 2.

The market gaps up (bullish sign) on Day 2; but, the bulls do not push very far higher before bears take over and push prices further down, not only filling in the gap down from the morning's open but also pushing prices below the previous day's open.

With the Bullish Engulfing Pattern, there is an incredible change of sentiment from the bullish gap up at the open, to the large bearish real body candle that closed at the lows of the day. Bears have successfully overtaken bulls for the day and possibly for the next few periods.

The chart below of Verizon (VZ) stock shows an example two Bearish Engulfing Patterns occuring at the end of uptrends:




其实,今天的收盘是 LOD,光脚!

比 Bearish Engulfing Day 2 的 K 线更熊。。。。
本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-10 18:00 编辑

Bearish Engulfing Sell Signal
Three methodologies for selling using the Bearish Engulfing Pattern are listed below in order of most aggressive to most conservative:

Sell at the close of Day 2. An even stronger indication to sell is given when there is a substantial increase in volume that accompanies the large move downward in price (see: Volume).

Sell on the day after the Bearish Engulfing Pattern occurs; by waiting until the next day to sell, a trader is making sure that the bearish reversal pattern is for real and was not just a one day occurance. In the chart above of Verizon, a trader would probably entered on the day after the Bearish Engulfing Pattern because the selling continued.

Usually trader's wait for other signals, such as a price break below the upward support line (see: Support & Resistance), before entering a sell order. However, in the case of Verizon above, the Bearish Engulfing Pattern occured at the same time as the trendline break below support.

Intra-day Bearish Engulfing Pattern
The following 15-minute chart of Verizon (VZ) is of the 2-day period comprising the Bearish Engulfing Pattern example on the prior page:



本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-10 20:55 编辑

熊熊 just Be sideway and wait for the Fed decision on Sept 13
--- 结论:辉常、辉常、辉常、辉常、辉常熊
silicon_beaver 发表于 2012-9-11 00:34

本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-11 07:12 编辑
夏末的知了, 秋后的蚂蚱。
sunning 发表于 2012-9-11 01:30

    俺以为,如果有的话,秋季的波应该大很多。比四五月开始的波大(Wave [big3]-4)。
本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-11 16:29 编辑


1)今天没有什么更新的,原因是今天是个有上影的 continuation 形态K线,但是在范围之内。所以总体上妞妞友好。


3)大家明显已经将QE3的内容 price in 了。下面的问题是出多少QE3的问题。如果大于8000亿或小于4000亿估计是 surprise。市场目前传闻6000 亿。根据QE1,QE2分别在600点和1100点附近出来的。明显的毒药的效果不行了。现在已经是1400点,如果毒药的计量小于6000亿都会是个严重的问题。搞不好起反作用。。。

4)明天苹果出爱疯5,大尺寸的爱疯4S。 网上已经有评论了,如果仅此而已,肯定会跌。所以,这两天都是跌的。要出惊喜的话,苹果必须跟迷你爱拍一起出来。总之,要看是否有惊喜了。。。这个对科技股,大盘都有影响。。。



本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-12 16:09 编辑


2)苹果发布会,因为大部分内容已经知道了,所以,没有什么惊喜。尾盘三十分钟被抄家从红盘拉回到绿盘(并带动大盘向上,涨0.21%)。在意料之中。苹果未来的走势还要看未来几个月的爱疯5营销走势了。需要注意的是上个季报苹果 missed 了,所以还要看。

Have a great day

本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-13 15:04 编辑



牛牛今天侠QE3之威完胜熊熊。脸畜搞了一个 open-ended QE。基本上这个星球上没有人可以制约FED了,除非共和党上台立法制约,而这个是个漫长的路。大本是个人,虽然有犹太信仰,但是在失去工作的威胁之下,个人信仰已经楞到垃圾筒里去了,他选择了奥巴马,这个同性恋的支持者,而这一点 against 大本的犹太信仰。所以,大本在「索多玛」生活了多年,基本上跟他的背景很吻合。大本在赌桌上,已经是 All in



随着下个季报的到来,个股将有非常大的 performance 差别。如果搞不好,赚了指数赔钱就不好了。做空可以选择那些业绩不好的个股趁这两天拉抬的时候烧。一般不喜欢做空个股的同学,简单的选择对的个股还是不错的。建议YYB搞一个「QE3受益版块及个股选择」活动。
下一个经济危机将是:QE泡沫。。。。 (mark my words)


就像埃及法老的心刚硬,在第七灾之后不悔改,上帝就出手助一臂之力,使其更刚硬,以至于最终灭亡。股市也是如此。贪婪的花街大佬们借着QE给自己发红包, traders 们吃些剩下的残羹剩饭,还屁颠屁颠的。没办法,这就是生存法则。
Thanks. Which sector is good? Home? Mortage?
dsp 发表于 2012-9-13 14:33

    Don't know so far. Will do the research and see. Maybe, your point of view is right.
本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-13 23:12 编辑


VIX60 进入超卖。最快明天下午或下周一出现一定深度的回调。。。

本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-13 23:06 编辑


