美国《滚石杂志》(Rolling Stone) 的女音乐记者詹丝邓( Jancee Dunn)最近出版了一本散文集,题目是《为什么母亲要去刺青》(Why Is my Mother Getting a Tatoo?)。文中说到,她67岁的母亲在去年感恩节的家庭聚会上突然宣布,她决定要在手腕上刺上一只大乌鸦(raven)。要知道,她的母亲是当地园艺俱乐部(Garden Club)和妇女俱乐部的资深成员,在那里算得上德高望重,所以这一提议让全家人,尤其是她的父亲,大惊失色。可是她的母亲毫不动摇,最后还真去做了这么一个刺青。
Did she explain why her mom wanted to get a tatoo at the end? I'm really curious.
My cousin ( big sis) has a tatoo on her 手腕, she is the only one I know back in China who has a tatoo, the reason she did it is because she had a surgery on her 手腕 which left her an ugly long scar, so she had a nice tatoo to cover the scar.