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[技术分析] Perfect Wave - 2012-1/2 (I)

I am starting a new thread for 2012's first half year (Jan - Jun), including EUR, SP, Gold, and JPY.  My previous wave counts can be found from:

Elliott Wave reference can be found from:

My labeling for wave degrees in different time frames:
Monthly - [[[I]]], [[[II]]], [[[III]]], [[[IV]]], [[[V]]], [[[A]]], [[[B]]], [[[C]]]
Monthly - [[I]], [[II]], [[III]], [[IV]], [[V]], [[A]], [[B]], [[C]]
Weekly - [I], [II], [III], [IV], [V], [A], [B], [C]
Weekly - I, II, III, IV, V, A, B, C
Daily - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, a, b, c
Daily - _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _a, _b, _c
Hourly - __1, __2, __3, __4, __5, __a, __b, __c

My labeling for wave formation in a segment = Wave Name + Wave Formation
For example, [A3] = 3 segments in a wave [A]
For example, [A3][B3][C5] = 3-3-5 formation for waves [A][B][C]

My labeling for zigzag is the combination of R.N. Elliott's classical labeling and my wave formation labeling.  DO NOT USE R.P.'s W-X-Y(-X-Z) labeling because it creates confusion and lacks the flexibility of changing wave counts.

I am getting lazy on updating the counts because I don't know how many people are following.  I might stop writing this at anytime.  If you are an audience of my threads, please PM me to let me know so that I won't forget to keep you updated if I stop writing.
  现在从大浪上看:普遍认为是ABC调整浪,还是I,II,III,。。 上升浪? 我想说的是2009 三月以来浪的普遍说法。

Wen2012abc - 若是妳問網路上其它玩波的人的看法 他們大部分是看空頭市場下跌的第1大浪已經在2007開始 而從2009以來的是第2大浪
若是妳問偶的看法 偶是猜一個超大三角型調整浪是從2000以來 而從2009以來的是這個三角形的第d大浪
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
One question for you is that you think we are still in the wave 4 from peak of 2000? What formation will this wave 4 take?

busted - Thanks for commenting.  Yes, I agree with you (kind of) that EW "is very complicated".  But I would like to say that it is very easy to use in trading (because EW has some rules for validating a wave).  About your question if "we are still in the wave 4 from peak of 2000", that is what my assumption for labelling 667 (2009) as [[[C]]] is based on.  With that assumption, the "wave 4" is in the formation of a huge triangle.  About QE3, I don't care, and I never care any FA stuff.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
本帖最后由 snowrider 于 2012-4-8 21:16 编辑
Quote from ScalperJoe:


I am discussing the current waves with trader collegue regarding the S&P, and we have come to the following conclusion that Wave 5 of Wave 3 has completed, and the S&P is currently in Wave 4.  I've also read and heard that Wave 4 of the larger pattern already occurred, however our analysis is there has not been any significant pullback to justify a completed Wave 4.

Our wave counts of the larger pattern (weekly chart):

Wave 1 from 1,075 to 1,293

Wave 2 from 1,293 to 1,159

Wave 3 from 1,159 to 1,422

Wave 4 will result in a choppy "A-B-C" pattern, perhaps stalling around 1,320 (38.2% fib of Wave 3), although holding well above the top of Wave 1 at 1,293.

Then a rebound Wave 5 pattern which will break the top of Wave 3 of 1,422, hence completing the 5 wave pattern that began on October.  

A larger correction (perhaps 50%) of the completed 5 wave pattern will create the next big buying oppourtunity.

Please provide feedback/comments to this analysis, thanks.

ScalperJoe- Thanks for sharing your thought.  That scenario is a good and valid one.  Please see attached wave count.  Your wave count is labeled there as [A][B][C][D][E] in green line alternative count.  Currently my preferred count is that a wave-[[B]] (which is your wave-3) has ended, and a big collapse all the way to 960 area in the end of this year is underway.  I will pay very close attention if SP ever goes to 1320 area to see if it has any sign of bottoming there.  The 1320 area will be the cross road between a real collapse or a final leg up.

Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
子曰既來之則安之 現在讓偶唯一感到不安的是 HT主版上的投票顯示 大部分的人看空了
偶真正希望的是 如果投票是顯示一半看多一半看空 或是大部分的人看多

這種大部分的人看空的情形 對於偶們看空的立場 大部分的情況是不利的 但有2個情況是例外:

1. 市場如果真的下跌了 ... 結果那些大部分看空的人 見到了低點覺得可以搶地鋪 他們又轉為看多時 ... 那就是對於偶們這些真正看空的人的一個大好劇情 ... 希望在這新的一週的某一天 市場能夠做出一個落底結束的假象 ... 以便騙騙一些人轉頭看多 ... 到時就是真的殺盤要來了

2. 或是市場如果真的下跌了 ... 結果那些大部分看空的人還是賺不到 ... 因為不會有太多的人在上週長假之前建空倉 ... (若真有 要不就是半桶水沒有風險意識 要不就是真高手) ... 所以當市場週一開盤大跌時 沒有人會有勇氣去追空 ... 結果市場卻一瀉千里之外 ... 所以 那些大部分看空的人還是賺不到

結論 - 一般來說大部分的人的看法肯定是錯的 市場不會這麼容易 讓大部分的人賺到錢的 所以如果偶們看空是對的 那麼市場必須要有以上2種其中的一種走法
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠

Comments are welcome!

Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
今天废话太多,就此打住,大家发财。 ...

不好意思 偶先前誤解你的貼了 因為玩波跟下棋一模一樣 有千變萬化的下法(數法) 偶有一大堆的阿康要照顧 又要照顧長線倉 又要照顧中期倉 又要DT 偶實在沒有想到分分秒秒到論壇上去update對市場的看法 偶真的希望大家能討論 因為偶為一care的是阿康是否能夠月月新高 而一點都不care誰的牛吹多大 最好是大家能夠一塊來下這盤棋 並且大家通通賺錢 所以如果對於市場有任何的看法 偶恢常希望大家能夠一塊來討論 :)
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠


yellowstone - 這論壇嗎 就是給人吹牛的地方 你就當偶是在吹牛就好了 :)  你看貼只看表面不看內容 偶SP畫得清清楚楚 這個價位區就是牛尾 不管怎麼走 - 先pop再跌 或是不pop直接跌 - 都是長期下跌 所以在這種地方 若要做多也不過是短打 原則上是做長線空頭的地方 話又說回來 偶的操作 你看到了嗎?  偶的操作貼在HT的401版 偶懶得到處update告訴別人偶做神馬倉 你若想討論 可以討論 貼帖或私信都可以

他总是赚钱的, 你不知道? ...

hq1788 - 小青蛙妳今天才知道 論壇就是給人吹牛的地方 你就當偶是在吹牛就好了 :)
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠

greatson - 玩波就是天天猜 你想想 是神馬時候大家由悲觀變成看牛市了?  大家都認為是牛市的時候 這個牛已經走了一大半了 目前的猜頂不是要盲目的放空 而是一個警戒區 若在警戒區有任何反轉現象 就是空點了 否則就繼續猜上去 隨它牛到哪裡都無所謂
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠

Comments are welcome!

Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
...那你又不用任何线线或指标, 就看裸图, 怎么判断是不是向某个方向突破了呢?

問是關鍵的好問題!  這就是要練易筋經或者天蠶神功 練眼力練久了之後就比較能猜出多空關鍵點在哪裡 若有機會翻翻 Elliott Wave Principle 裡面有談到許多法則 那就有所大幫助來判斷多空關鍵點
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠

nadia - 其實這也是好事 因為如果你已經觀察出了一個 pattern 不管是正指或反指 那你就可以照著那 pattern 來操作 For example, 如果你發現灰線大部份時候比較準 那你就可以參照灰線走勢

變數仍多 偶雖然中長期看空 但是短期仍然做多 因為這是牛尾
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
OK, I see. So you just used your traditional way of drawing, purple is not always your pre ...
NYQ 发表于 2012-3-29 21:46

偶這次懶得換顏色了 其實2種的可能都一半一半
偶其實目前持倉是偏向灰線走法 - 小部隊1個空頭基金2個多頭基金 突擊隊準備做多
snowrider 发表于 2012-3-29 21:42

    OK, I see. So you just used your traditional way of drawing, purple is not always your prefered way.
So purple is your preference?  I will bet the gray line with around previous peak as the t ...
NYQ 发表于 2012-3-29 21:39

偶其實目前持倉是偏向灰線走法 - 小部隊1個空頭基金2個多頭基金 突擊隊準備做多