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[原创] 涨疯了, 据说AMD能去$9.5?

赌一把吗? 小华...? 大傻, 借人气问一下
回复 2# not4weak

AMD has been running under temporary leadership for six months now, and we still don't know who'll take the CEO seat.
to me ,I feel much cooler,面向大海,看彩云,伴海鸥,任由浪花扑面来。so cool !!!
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-7-24 01:02

Nice ... what beach is that?
to me ,I feel much cooler,面向大海,看彩云,伴海鸥,任由浪花扑面来。so cool !!!
It looks cooler? yes,because these few days too hot 。then I changed my image。

go to ...
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-7-24 00:04

OK ... I see from your blog: "天气太热了,持续高温一个星期,换个头像,是不是感觉清凉多了。"  You (or your avatar) is actually hotter than the weather.
本帖最后由 看彩云伴海鸥 于 2011-7-24 00:14 编辑
看彩云伴海鸥 - is that you?  Sexy!!
snowrider 发表于 2011-7-23 18:19

    It looks cooler? yes,because these few days too hot 。then I changed my image。

go to visit my bloc,there tell you why?
good call
看彩云伴海鸥 - is that you?  Sexy!!  

Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
本帖最后由 看彩云伴海鸥 于 2011-7-23 17:19 编辑

wwww, 这下涨的够猛的。
雪骑,in#1   涨疯了, 据说AMD能去$9.5
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-7-23 13:34

That was on Thursday before the stock surged on Friday.  It's really a nice bet.  N2W must have some insider news.
赌一把吗? 小华...? 大傻, 借人气问一下
not4weak 发表于 2011-7-21 13:46

  雪骑,in#1   涨疯了, 据说AMD能去$9.5
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-7-22 12:28

It seems to have a lot of potential.  When did N2W announce the "消息"?  I did not pay attention ...

回复 3# buhuyou
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-7-22 12:31
