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[放炮] 周末放炮:选两个中长期的经融股

GS    $130
BAC  $10

30%的回报应该是有可能的吧?? YY一下21。


i prefer GS
But it there are only two to buy
I buy BAC
I buy FAS
翻译: 意淫一下而已. 话说, SNOWRIDER楼主很纯洁.
peachdream 发表于 2011-7-16 16:26

peachdream - OIC... That is an 音譯 ....  I thought it was 歪歪一下Blackjack ... what is that ... that's why I did not understand what 大傻 was talking about.  Thanks for the interpretation.  LOL ... 偶純潔?! ... Probably not doing 意淫 very often (偶是行動派的).  
What is "YY一下21"?
snowrider 发表于 2011-7-16 11:59

翻译: 意淫一下而已. 话说, SNOWRIDER楼主很纯洁.
30% in 2 years, not bad
回复 1# 大傻_

GS    $130
BAC  $10

30%的回报应该是有可能的吧?? YY一下21。
大傻_ 发表于 2011-7-16 11:21

What is "YY一下21"?