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[闲谈] you guys really think I am 扯淡 erveryday?

and my charts are spider nets??? unbelievalbe...
No ... not from me.
I actually think that you contribute to the forum a lot!
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
At least in the perspective of entertaining us.  
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
I think i wasted too much  time here, thanks much to my true supporters...
At least in the perspective of entertaining us.
snowrider 发表于 2011-7-6 15:13

Me thinks the same without him, I would have made a lot of mistakes.
Me thinks the same  without him, I would have made a lot of mistakes.
not4weak 发表于 2011-7-6 15:15

I am entertaining?, am i idiot??? I think you need to think about how to manage a forum well, i like here, otherwise i won't spend three days to make the 风花雪月丫丫贝诗集,,, i may leave for a while, so tired, but i promise I will come back someday, you guys take care...
I am entertaining?, am i idiot??? I think you need to think about how to manage a forum well, ...
tfmegatron 发表于 2011-7-6 15:21

yeah, 治病去,病得太厉害鸟。。。远处传来咳嗽声。。。
回复 6# tfmegatron
EASY, 赚钱要紧.
回复  tfmegatron
EASY, 赚钱要紧.
not4weak 发表于 2011-7-6 15:28

tfmegatron 发表于 2011-7-6 15:29

not4weak 发表于 2011-7-6 15:30

No no no ... don't go don't go.  
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
I like to see your chart。 It helps me a lot。
thank you。