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BigFool 发表于 2011-10-15 23:04

I just came back from a vacation yesterday.

Comments are welcome!



Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
This is a discussion in some other forum:

...量在价先,,, 反过来,价格对量有什么影响? 比如上涨速度快或者价格高对后来的量怎么影响呢?价格高,有时不愿买,有时chase high (比如认为价值发现或者回归)。wave里面有些什么判断?

"价格对量" - Why do we want to worry about that?  We care more about the price - buy low and sell high to make profit.
"上涨速度快" - It will be forming some price area with thin volume in that fast move.  The fast move is the dot dot dot that links between accumulation and distribution areas.
"上涨速度快或者价格高对后来的量怎么影响呢" - After the price is lifted to their target area, the insider will start unloading their holdings.  Then we will see a plateau start forming with huge volume first then decreaing volume (because of unloading).
"wave里面有些什么判断?" - Wave structures/behaviors/patterns/characteristics actually explain what stage the market might be in.

时间和空间,小散伤疤好需要一段时间,有range market,这个时间在wave 理论里面怎么处理?

About the "range market", its wave structure could 333, 335, 3x3, 3x3x3, or even more complex combinations.  In most case, a range market is a continuation consolidation in the existing market direction.  It could be the wave-2,4,6,8,b.

是不是一般就到9波? ES 1min-chart 最牛的时候我就看到9波(其中5波上涨)。。量在7,9波时慢慢枯萎了?其它的比如和fib retracement的关系怎么样? nflx 大牛时不只9波吧?

Yep yep yep ... good observation!  9 waves, then 13 waves next.
I don't know about NFLX.  Probably it had extensions over extensions again and again.
I love trading gold, but it's much harder than trading EUR and SP because gold's volume is much lower.  Gold's slippage could be very big.  I have had more than $5 slippages many times on stop orders, which I hate so much.  My favorite ones are still EUR and SP.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
SPX 月线图上紫线走势和俺的想法接近,下破1100之后,反弹拉起.
棋王 发表于 2011-10-1 17:20

SPX 月线图上紫线走势和俺的想法接近,下破1100之后,反弹拉起.

本帖最后由 snowrider 于 2011-10-1 16:57 编辑

This is a discussion from some other forum:

wave 理论有没有引进成交量这个概念?

  Actually, yes, Elliott Wave does take volume into consideration.  The following is an extract from Elliott Wave International:

"Elliott used volume as a tool for verifying wave counts and in projecting extensions. He recognized that in any bull market, volume has a natural tendency to expand and contract with the speed of price change. Late in a corrective phase, a decline in volume often indicates a decline in selling pressure. A low point in volume often coincides with a turning point in the market. ..."

That is a long section talking about volume.  I watch volume when I trade.  I don't put volume on the charts of my wave counts, in order not to confuse people.


Yes, good point!!!  One way we use to predict if a wave-5 would have extension is checking the volume.  If the wave-5 has equal or more volume than wave-3, then most likely it could have extension, which means a wave-6789 would happen next.

举个例子。比如股票spring & thrust, 或者突破,大庄家突破了,但是发现没有什么人进入(量不够),庄家这个时候想:ctm的,突破拉高没有忽悠到什么钱进来,再向上会被他人short高顶,股票自己全扛着岂不亏大了,只好快速炸盘让和他在同一条阵线的人出去不了,想short的人也来不及。 如果是在大牛市,无量突破,虽然发现没有什么人进入(量不够),但庄家这个时候想:ctm的,就让那帮人short,我继续拉得更高,挤死他们,这样sqeeze得股票sky高(琢磨着nflx就是这样,单看这两年标准大牛屎啊)。

That's what happened in the gold market also!  上破又下破 洗盤刷盤  軋空又砸盤  太難做了!


Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
10/01/2011 Monthly Charts

Comments are welcome!



Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠