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Spx 在1400 以下两个小时了。。。。牛牛再不拉起来就没戏了。。。
Look at MSFT, GOOG, INTC and blue chips stocks
Is intraday low over?

9:00am PST, likely no test on low any more today.
silicon_beaver 发表于 2012-9-4 12:03

    Too early to say?... I would see this afternoon
Is intraday low over?

9:00am PST, likely no test on low any more today.
silicon_beaver 发表于 2012-9-4 12:03

AAPL up.  ES&spy likely consoldate within 5minBB for another hour.
Is intraday low over?

9:00am PST, likely no test on low any more today.
江南有丹桔,经冬犹绿林。 岂伊地气暖,自有岁寒心。 可以荐佳客,奈何阻重深。 运命唯所遇,循环不可寻。 徒言树桃李,此木岂无阴。
ZT from Pro:

August Gains Pave the Way For???

Stocks were up +2% in August and still within striking distance of the highs. Plus volatility is extremely low given that we played in such a tight range (1354 to 1426....but most of the time in a narrower band from 1400 to 1426).

The bears say that the market is not properly discounting all the negatives like Europe, China and Fiscal Cliff.

The bulls say that all of this stuff will be effectively cleared up making way for stocks to sprint to 1500.

Yes, one or the other could be right. But often times it's the middle case that wins out when you have such firmly entrenched players. That would likely mean that we have more range bound activity in September. Yet as pointed out last time, I think that range will widen a bit to the 50 day moving average on the low side [1375] and 1450'ish on the high side.
今天收day low,哪将是对高傲的牛牛最最沉重之打击,吼吼!
TLT 继续强势。。。资本市场仍然忽略股市。。。
本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-9-4 11:13 编辑


个人预期当SPX跌到1396或以下,很多FUNDS 的 model 会转为 automatical sell 。