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回复  snowrider
这不是杠,凡是好东东, 都要经得起推敲.
not4weak 发表于 2011-7-1 14:51

OK.  To answer your question, I must ask you a question first.  Do you believe in EW?
Yes, that is a TA approach.  That deals with price action/pattern/behavior.  It's easy to understand but hard to master though.
Sometimes the alternative count has the same direction as that of the preferred count.  Sometimes they are of different directions.  In order to apply EW in trading, the first thing is that you need to know where you stand at.


本帖最后由 snowrider 于 2011-7-1 23:44 编辑

With that said, if you know that you are at the end of wave-b, then you know that a wave-c will be coming.  If you know that you are at the end of wave-4, then you know that a wave-5 is coming.

07/01/2011  11:43 PM

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