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[讨论] JMEI

本帖最后由 qzhou3 于 2014-11-18 18:06 编辑

Anybody has any clue about JMEI? I have had it since Feng Da Da called last quarter. It is down so much, sigh...
Do anybody see any bright spot on this baby? Does it worth the pain of holding for another year?
回复 2# A悠

回复 4# tianfangye

Oh, I don't have the courage to buy any individual Chinese stock after suffering from JD, JMEI, SINA and Dang. Now only ASHR
回复 8# 小弄弄

回复 9# oldhorse

Hope it will let me escape!
Deep Sigh.... Lost big!
回复 18# oldhorse

No problem. A big lesson
回复 20# oldhorse

Will the same thing happen to MBLY tomorrow?
回复 22# oldhorse

You did? I have some for long as I like the technology..
Some people must have news before ER report for 中概股. I found trends began to show 3-5 days before the ER for several 中概股
回复 36# oldhorse

I sold 1/3.
本帖最后由 qzhou3 于 2014-11-20 11:27 编辑

MBLY跟坐跷跷板似的。。。Did not know the ER was already out。 Thought it would be evening after market.
回复 42# GreatWallchn

yes, luckily I sold them all this morning. But bought a little bit back in the afternoon...