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[讨论] 通过各种渠道反对加州的 SCA-5非法提案

https://petitions.whitehouse.gov ... nstitution/TlHCfZJY

California's SCA-5 is against the "equal protection" clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution
On 1/30/2014, the California Senate passed SCA-5 , which would repeal some provisions of Prop 209 and allow the State of California to discriminate an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. In the 17 years that Prop 209 has been in effect, California has become the most diversified and prosperous state in the US and Asian-Americans are proudly one of the essential pieces. Comprehensive initiatives have then been implemented to help students from disadvantaged families to obtain high educations. Currently, Asian-Americans often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic groups to have an equal chance of admission. Now SCA-5 seeks to unfairly punish Asian-Americans simply based on race.