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    既然三维立体空间里构造不出四维的形象,描述四维空间为毛那多余的一维要用“内和外”,而不用 old or new?内和外,如果要实现渐变,只能靠那个克莱因瓶子来想象了,可这个瓶子其实在三维空间里都构造不出来,还别说考虑其他的维度了。。。而old or new则很容易想象其连续渐变,其描述也就像无数的电影胶片就构成了电影一样。。。飞矢不动。。。人不能两次踏进同一条河流。。。。。。



not4weak 发表于 2012-1-15 19:24

not4weak 发表于 2012-1-15 19:39

马丁 == 等爱的狐狸  ???
西门吹雪 发表于 2012-1-16 00:27

我那说法是一般而言,你是那1% -:),话说,你要不要奔一个?

时间维吧,是不独立的,而且 ...
not4weak 发表于 2012-1-16 01:28


    俺数学果然不好,的确没反应过来,这里说的是“空间描述”,用的应该是个“几何维度”,否则如果仅仅是四维变量描述,用普通描述场的图形方法就可以了,比如颜色,线条密集程度。。。如果“内外”不好想象,密或者疏其实也挺 geometrical 的,只是不是“空”间是“实”体了,实在难于构造出来和其它三维看起来差不多的另一维哈。。。你们在说菠萝打不过菠萝蜜嗦
String theorists squeeze nine dimensions into three
Simulation suggests extra spatial directions failed to thrive

By Devin Powell
Web edition : Friday, January 13th, 2012

A simulation of the early universe using string theory may explain why space has three observable spatial dimensions instead of nine.

The leading mathematical explanation of physics goes beyond modern particle theory by positing tiny bits of vibrating string as the fundamental basis of matter and forces. String theory also requires that the universe have six or more spatial dimensions in addition to the ones observed in everyday life. Explaining how those extra dimensions are hidden is a central challenge for string theorists.

“This new paper demonstrates, for the first time, that our 3-D space appears naturally … from the 9-D space that string theory originally has,” says Jun Nishimura of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization in Tsukuba, Japan. He and his colleagues will publish their findings in an upcoming issue of Physical Review Letters.

In the simulation, the universe starts off as a tiny blob of strings that is symmetric in nine different dimensions. As the strings interact, a random energy fluctuation — provided by the quantum laws that govern these small scales — breaks the symmetry. Three dimensions balloon outward, leaving the other six stunted at a billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a centimeter, far too small to be detected.

Applying string theory to the beginning of the universe in this way has long proven difficult. That’s because the math included in traditional versions of the theory can be solved only when strings interact weakly at low temperatures, not in the seething maelstrom that existed moments after the Big Bang.

To tackle the extreme energies of the Big Bang, Nishimura and his team had to recast one version of string theory, called IIB, as grids of equations that could be fed into a supercomputer. Limited by the power of this computer, the researchers could track the interactions of no more than 32 strings for the first split second of history.

For some physicists, this way of approximating string theory is too oversimplified to be believable. “Frameworks like the one they're using … lack a lot of other stuff that goes into trying to make a realistic model,” says Shamit Kachru, a theoretical physicist at Stanford University.

To prove the usefulness of the new approach, Nishimura’s team will need to study times much later in the universe’s history, comparing their results against real observations of how matter is distributed across the universe.

