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[放炮] SPX could go to 1741 【老陈】

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2013-10-20 14:27 编辑

1646 - 1684 - 1693.5 - 1703 - 1741

In short term, 1684 might be revisited.

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Should next Monday SPX go to 1716, (1620-1684-1700-1716-1780) would be possible.
本帖最后由 ychen222 于 2013-10-14 17:22 编辑

My best guess right now is that SPX would go directly to 1730, because of 1663-1690-1696.5-1703-1730 (1/3 and 2/3 positions are 1685 and 1708). Current chart strongly supports 1685/1690/1696.5/1703/1708. And we all know that 1729 was previous high.
However, the trouble is the starting point 1663, which is not 1646! This might imply that 10/10  gap would be filled after reaching 1730.  Key would be 1703. Can bulls hold 1703 well?

Should 10/10 gap filled, would bulls be able to break 1690 again?
Quick rally to 1730 was bearish.
But consolidating between 168X and 1710 is bullish, especially testing 168x-1690 and holding it tomorrow, because it would support 1646-1687.6-1698-1708.4-1750, and bulls would have more change to win at 170x in later pullback.
已更新主贴:“中期牛的话, 看好1645->1800为第一波,回调1740,第二波1740->1900。
注意中期中位上界是1740,所以当前第一波中位上界按1740 算比较合理。
若再破1680 ,中期牛破产。”

Or perhaps 第一波1646-1705-1720-1735-1795

回调多少呢?1700+ 即是中期中线位置,又是当前波段(1646-1800)中线下界, 反测一下合理。
tfmegatron 发表于 2013-10-17 22:19
