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标题: [原创] 美国应该抵赖其债务吗? [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2010-9-14 09:22     标题: 美国应该抵赖其债务吗?

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2010-9-14 09:26 编辑

有“慈禧或者汪精卫” 性格的朋友会说,你完全是自不量力,不识事务,能屈能升才是大丈夫,中国还需要埋头发展等等。的确,中国无论科技、经济、还是军事力量都不具备挑战美国的条件(也有例外,毛泽东时期就是一个,比起现在与“慈禧或者汪精卫”性格的朋友眼里应该更加落后才是,就算如此还是给了美国几个耳光,不是吗?),就算有些以弱胜强的历史,也不能说明中国就具备了挑战世界第一强国的可能性,我们不说是挑战,不会去挑战,我们只说一个“理”字,中国古语:“有理走遍天下”,意思就是有道理天下都有朋友,都会有支持。现在中国对美国的现在,就是一个理字,美国欠全世界人们的钱,已经资不抵债,中国领头组织一个专门负责美国债务问题的机构,这就是道理,欠债不还钱,还继续举债发展军备,到处打仗抢“银行(石油)”,同时大量印制借条(美元)抵赖债务,挟持全世界,那就更加没有了道理,而中国领头组织监督美国这种无赖行为的机构,这就是有理。一个有理,一个无理,正义在谁一边呢?

IMF ponders the improbable: Will U.S. default?

By Howard Schneider

Will the U.S. government ever default?

It's not a pleasant thought for anyone holding some of the roughly $9 trillion in U.S. government bonds and notes currently in public hands - or for anyone hoping the global economy can stay on an even keel.

But the economists at the International Monetary Fund are paid to ponder the improbable, and in papers published on Wednesday fund staff examined where the U.S. and other developed countries fit on a continuum between easy living and disaster.

We're farther along than you might think.

Using a concept known as "fiscal space" - basically how much latitude a country has to borrow before markets will shut off the spigot by demanding unsustainable interest rates - the IMF staff drew a bright red line through five nations it considers to be running out of room: Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan and Portugal. Of the 23 developed nations it analyzed, four others, including the U.S., received a yellow caution flag.

Does it mean default is imminent or inevitable? Hardly - and in companion articles the fund discussed the steps being taken to control public debt, and broadly discounted the chance of an outright sovereign default among any of the advanced countries.

But consider the U.S. The IMF estimated a series of probabilities regarding the amount of increased debt a country might be able to sustain without hitting its projected point of no return.

In the case of the U.S., the fund said the odds were roughly three out of four that the country could increase its total debt to some degree without being penalized by investors -- logical considering that the debt is steadily increasing and interest rates remain low and steady.

However that probability falls to an even 50-50 if the amount of new borrowing were to exceed fifty percent of GDP - or about $7 trillion given the current, $14 trillion size of the U.S. economy.

That might seem like plenty, except for the fact that under current Office of Management and Budget projections the "fiscal space" may fast disappear. The OMB projects total U.S. debt to jump by about $4.7 trillion in the next five years, leaving little room after that.

Better than expected growth, of course, could add fiscal "space," but another recession could shrink it. As IMF researcher and report author Jonathan D. Ostry said, it is best to be cautious.

"Markets may give little or no warning," Ostry said, pointing to the recent troubles in Greece. "The debt limit is the point at which you bounce off to infinity. It is a point that you want to strenuously avoid."

European data hits markets; yen buoyed by Kan win- AP

European stock markets fell modestly Tuesday after disappointing economic data reinforced concerns about the recovery, while the Japanese yen struck a fresh 15-year high against the dollar as Japan's prime minister survived a leadership challenge.
作者: not4weak    时间: 2010-9-14 09:37




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