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标题: [转贴] 常春藤名校录取有多腐败?读罗恩•昂茨(Ron Unz)的长文《美国任人唯贤的神话》 [打印本页]

作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 18:43     标题: 常春藤名校录取有多腐败?读罗恩•昂茨(Ron Unz)的长文《美国任人唯贤的神话》

昂茨是一个犹太裔的商人,哈佛本科,斯坦福理论物理硕士。他试图获得共和党1994年加州州长竞选的党内提名但没有成功,但当时他获得了34.3%的选票,被人笑称为“物理学书呆子的竞选”。他写于2012年的这篇38页长文《美国任人唯贤的神话》(TheMyth of American Meritocracy)在美国教育界如同重磅炸弹,其翔实的资料(有120处引文)和严密的逻辑使得他的论点极难被反驳。他甚至在论述中逐一讨论了反方论点和论据,让人更难以挑战他的论述。本文为CivilRights微信平台独家,欢迎分享。未经许可,其它平台不得转发。


正因为此,我特意写了一个浓缩篇,算是节约一下大家的时间,但是本人水平有限,还是强力推荐大家去读原文:http://www.theamericanconservati ... erican-meritocracy/
作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 18:44



This situation, sometimes described as a “winner take all society,” leaves families desperate to maximize the chances that their children will reach the winners’ circle, rather than risk failure and poverty or even merely a spot in the rapidly deteriorating middle class. And the best single means of becoming such an economic winner is to gain admission to a top university, which provides an easy ticket to the wealth of Wall Street or similar venues, whose leading firms increasingly restrict their hiring to graduates of the Ivy League or a tiny handful of other top colleges.
作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 18:49


昂茨无情地揭开了美国常春藤名校录取程序的老底,设计出这种独特的的超复杂和充满主观因素的录取程序(uniquelycomplex and subjective system)的最初动机是:解决常春藤名校里犹太人太多的问题。


During the 1920s, the established Northeastern Anglo-Saxon elites who then dominated the Ivy League wished to sharply curtail the rapidly growing numbers of Jewish students, but their initial attempts to impose simple numerical quotas provoked enormous controversy and faculty opposition. Therefore, the approach subsequently taken by Harvard President A. Lawrence Lowell and his peers was to transform the admissions process from a simple objective test of academic merit into a complex and holistic consideration of all aspects of each individual applicant; the resulting opacity permitted the admission or rejection of any given applicant, allowing the ethnicity of the student body to be shaped as desired. As a consequence, university leaders could honestly deny the existence of any racial or religious quotas, while still managing to reduce Jewish enrollment to a much lower level, and thereafter hold it almost constant during the decades which followed.

作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 18:50


Indeed, Karabel convincingly demonstrates that the collapse of the long-standing Jewish quotas in the Ivy League during the decade following World War II only occurred as a result of massive media and political pressure, pressure surely facilitated by very heavy Jewish ownership of America’s major media organs, including all three television networks, eight of nine major Hollywood studios, and many of the leading newspapers, including both the New York Times and the Washington Post. By contrast, Asian-Americans today neither own nor control even a single significant media outlet, and they constitute an almost invisible minority in films, television, radio, and print. For most Americans, what the media does not report simply does not exist, and there is virtually no major media coverage of what appear to be de facto Asian quotas at our top academic institutions.

Different political blocs waged long battles for control of particular universities, and sudden large shifts in admissions rates occurred as these groups gained or lost influence within the university apparatus: Yale replaced its admissions staff in 1965 and the following year Jewish numbers nearly doubled.


作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 18:51


昂茨列出了触目惊心的数据:Princeton sociologist Thomas J. Espenshade and his colleagues have demonstrated that among undergraduates at highly selective schools such as the Ivy League, white students have mean scores 310 points higher on the 1600 SAT scale than their black classmates, but Asian students average 140 points above whites. The former gap is an automatic consequence of officially acknowledged affirmative action policies, while the latter appears somewhat mysterious.


作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 18:52

今天犹太裔学生学术成绩的崩溃(The StrangeCollapse of Jewish Academic Achievement)


In fact, Harvard reported that 45.0 percent of its undergraduates in 2011 were white Americans, but since Jews were 25 percent of the student body, the enrollment of non-Jewish whites might have been as low as 20 percent, though the true figure was probably somewhat higher.The Jewish levels for Yale and Columbia were also around 25 percent, while white Gentiles were 22 percent at the former and just 15 percent at the latter. The remainder of the Ivy League followed this same general pattern.

This overrepresentation of Jews is really quite extraordinary, since the group currently constitutes just 2.1 percent of the general population and about 1.8 percent of college-age Americans.52 Thus, although Asian-American high school graduates each year outnumber their Jewish classmates nearly three-to-one, American Jews are far more numerous at Harvard and throughout the Ivy League. Both groups are highly urbanized, generally affluent, and geographically concentrated within a few states, so the “diversity” factors considered above would hardly seem to apply; yet Jews seem to fare much better at the admissions office.



My casual mental image of today’s top American students is based upon my memories of a generation or so ago, when Jewish students, sometimes including myself, regularly took home a quarter or more of the highest national honors on standardized tests or in prestigious academic competitions; thus, it seemed perfectly reasonable that Harvard and most of the other Ivy League schools might be 25 percent Jewish, based on meritocracy. But the objective evidence indicates that in present day America, only about 6 percent of our top students are Jewish, which now renders such very high Jewish enrollments at elite universities totally absurd and ridiculous.

作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 18:53


Power corrupts and an extreme concentration of power even more so, especially when that concentration of power is endlessly praised and glorified by the major media and the prominent intellectuals which together constitute such an important element of that power. But as time goes by and more and more Americans notice that they are poorer and more indebted than they have ever been before, the blandishments of such propaganda machinery will eventually lose effectiveness, much as did the similar propaganda organs of the decaying Soviet state. Kahlenberg quotes Pat Moynihan as noting that the stagnant American earnings between 1970 and 1985 represented “the longest stretch of ‘flat’ income in the history of the European settlement of North America.” The only difference today is that this period of economic stagnation has now extended nearly three times as long, and has also been combined with numerous social, moral, and foreign policy disasters.

作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 19:00

回复 2# Bobcat

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作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 19:02

回复 8# Bobcat

图片附件: image.jpg (2016-10-22 19:02, 58.76 KB) / 下载次数 204

作者: Bobcat    时间: 2016-10-22 19:03


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