1) 多加3000刀,增程15迈!
New buyers will be able to purchase a 90 kilowatt-hour battery pack, which should add about 15 miles of range to the 85 kwh Model S that currently has a 265-mile range for an additional $3,000 option.
2) 超级加速賽跑车:多加1万刀,0-60迈加速2.8秒!
The Palo Alto, Calif.-based company also will begin selling a new "Ludicrous Mode" version of its "Performance" Model S that will be able to accelerate from 0-60 mph in 2.8 seconds, a rate that puts it alongside pricier performance cars in acceleration. That option would cost $10,000 to new buyers and existing owners who have the performance model can get the upgrade for $5,000.
3)两轮驱动的比4轮驱动的减5000刀!Finally, Tesla is offering a $70,000 Model S with a 70 kwh battery pack, which is $5,000 less than the all-wheel-drive version that had been its entry-level model.作者: 雨后 时间: 2015-7-20 12:40
特斯拉将发4款电动车 P90D百公里加速仅需2.9秒
【TechWeb报道】7月18日消息,智能电动车厂商特斯拉宣布将推出4款新车,其中Model S P90D从0到100km/h的加速仅需2.9秒。
MODEL S90/90D续航里程可达528公里(NEDC欧洲油耗及排放评定标准),而Model S 70相比原入门车型Model S 70D售价更低,将成为最新的入门级车型。
最新旗舰版Model SP90D选配“极速”套件后,可从0到100km/h加速2.9秒。Model S P90D配备双电机全轮驱动,可实现数字化控制前后轴。
另外,MODEL S90系列均配备90kWh的电池组,其中MODEL S90/90D两款车拥有526km的最大续航里程。MODEL S90为单电机后驱版本,MODEL S90D为双电机全轮驱动版本。
2015年以来,特斯拉已通过两次OTA空中升级为Model S装备了主动巡航、前撞预警等功能,接下来还将通过同样的方式为车主激活更多与自动驾驶相关的功能。