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标题: [闲谈] 美调查五大银行雇佣中国高官子女案 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2014-5-7 07:37     标题: 美调查五大银行雇佣中国高官子女案

By Enda Curran and Jean Eaglesham
U.S. regulators have expanded their investigation into large banks’ hiring practices in Asia, seeking more information from at least five U.S. and European firms, according to people close to the probe.

The Securities and Exchange Commission in early March sent letters to a group of companies including Credit Suisse Group AG CS -0.80%  CH:CSGN -0.81%  , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS -0.12%  , Morgan Stanley MS +0.24%  , Citigroup Inc. C +0.17%   and UBS AG UBS -0.38%    CH:UBSN +0.05%   seeking more information about their hiring in Asia, according to the people. It is examining whether the banks or their employees violated anti-bribery laws by hiring relatives of well-connected officials.
作者: 阅读读    时间: 2014-5-7 07:48

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-5-7 14:27


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