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标题: [活动] 转贴这个周末的一个活动 [打印本页]

作者: realstar    时间: 2013-6-20 11:09     标题: 转贴这个周末的一个活动

June 22 4:00PM-9:00PM

Lobster Restaurant and Crane Beach

星期六的晚上, 生活在美丽的波士顿, 呼吸着夏天的浪漫, 流淌着青春的血液。

夏天, 夜晚, 篝火, 龙虾, 沙滩, 夕阳
你都想到了什么呢? 你想来吗?和朋友们, 一起来制造不一样的浪漫人生, 留下美

Organized By:
Leo Lu
Ji Heng

Please let us know if you are interested. We will organize carpool if

Event page on facebook:

Details will follow.
Boston Professional Networking (BPN), a non-profit organization, 主要由
专业人士和学生组成, 目前有约三千会员, 集运动.交友,娱乐与休闲于一体的大型社交
团体. BPN 欢迎所有人士(单身.非单身)参加. 其下设单身部, Single Professional
Networking (SPN), a google group, 有六百多单身会员, 以便于单身人士活动.

BPN on facebook:

SPN: email to:

Here are the details. We will do two parts: beach walk and Lobster dinner.
You are welcome to come to both or one of them. This is meant to be an
relaxing event. Feel free to participate based on your own schedule.

Crane beach:

We'll meet at the beach at 4:00PM and walk along the beach or just hang out

Here is the direction:


Latitude: 42.683
Longitude: -70.766

Get directions on Google Maps.

From Rt. 128 North Exit 20A, take Rt. 1A north for 8 mi. to Ipswich. Turn
right onto Rt. 133 East and follow for 1.5 mi. Turn left onto Northgate Rd.
and follow for 0.5 mi. Turn right onto Argilla Rd. and follow for 2.5 mi. to
entrance and parking (1,300 cars) at end of road.

You can hangout at the beach or walk. Here is the trail map:

Lobster Pool Restaurant:

We'll leave Crane beach at 6PMish and get to the restaurant around 6:30 PM.

The address: 329 Granite Street, Rockport, MA

This is a small mom and pop restaurant. So please expect long wait time.

You can bring your own drink. Drink responsibly.


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