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标题: [绝望] 炸弹威胁 美国康州新镇教堂聚众疏散 [打印本页]

作者: aimei    时间: 2012-12-16 21:13     标题: 炸弹威胁 美国康州新镇教堂聚众疏散

炸弹威胁 美国康州新镇教堂聚众疏散
文章来源: CNN 于 2012-12-16 16:56:46 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
打印本新闻(被阅读 1465 次)
美国警方16日在接获炸弹威胁后,疏散康乃迪克州新镇一家天主教教堂,人们聚集在此为新镇桑迪胡克小学(Sandy Hook Elementary School)14日的屠杀血案受害者举行哀悼仪式。

  部署在利马圣罗斯天主教堂(Saint Rose of Limachurch)的康州州警说,教堂已疏散一空。圣罗斯天主教堂被执法机关的车辆、以及特种武器和战术部队(SWAT)警察团团围住。在场记者目睹武装警察搜索圣罗斯天主教堂旁边的一栋民房。


  20岁犯案凶手蓝札(Adam Lanza)自戕身亡,他的母亲也为人发现陈尸自家。据了解,警方在官员接获炸弹威胁后,展开撤离圣罗斯天主教堂群众行动。

Church evacuated in Newton, CT due to threat of violence
NEWTOWN, Connecticut (CNN) — The premises of a Catholic church in Newtown, Connecticut, were declared “all clear” Sunday after a threat of violence prompted authorities to evacuate the building, police said.

Investigators found nothing to substantiate the reported “violence threat” at the St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, Connecticut State Police Lt. J. Paul Vance said. He declined to provide additional details.

Witnesses said authorities told them to leave the church premises early in the afternoon.

In front of the church, authorities were seen collecting stuffed animals from a makeshift memorial and placing them in plastic bags.

A column of armed police officers walked across the church property and entered a building next to the church’s parking lot.

The church is less than two miles from Sandy Hook Elementary School, where a gunman killed 20 children and six adults Friday before killing himself.

CNN’s Susan Candiotti contributed to this report.
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-12-16 21:17

作者: aimei    时间: 2012-12-16 22:48

回复 2# cellphone

太恐怖 了

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