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标题: [IT动态] 50PB 的硬碟也不是梦!研究学者找出用个别分子储存资讯的方法 [打印本页]

作者: 离、    时间: 2012-7-13 02:27     标题: 50PB 的硬碟也不是梦!研究学者找出用个别分子储存资讯的方法

本帖最后由 离、 于 2012-7-13 03:01 编辑

虽然硬碟密度逐年的增加,但终究不是无穷的。或早或晚,我们势必会撞上磁记录的物理限制-- 当记绿资料的颗粒过小时,光是温度的改变,就足以将整个颗粒的磁极翻转,导致资料的丧失或判定失败。要能稳定的保存资料,大约要三百万个磁性的原子一起才能办得到。这次来自德国、法国和日本的联合团队找出来的方法,却只要51 个原子组成的分子,就能稳定地纪录资料,这当中只有一颗是磁性的铁原子,剩下来的是一层有机的保护层,保护中间的铁原子不受影响。如果用这种技术做成的硬碟可以有现在五万倍以上的容量,也就是说现在的1TB 硬碟套用这种新技术,相同的体积可以储存50PB 的资料。更厉害的是,包在保护层中的分子同时还能改变它的磁力和导电力特性,也就是说除了可以用传统的磁力方法(不同的磁极)来读写资料外,也可以用电力(改变电阻大小)来读写资料。换用之,同样的技术可以做成传统的硬碟磁盘,也可以做成纯电力操作的阻忆体,果真是前途无量啊!


Researchers store memory bit on a lone molecule, could pave the way for petabyte SSDs

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) just deflated the size of a bit down to a solitary nanometer -- the length of an organic molecule. The international research team managed it by first embedding a magnetized iron atom into a molecule made up of 51 atoms, then taking advantage of so-called memristive and spintronic properties. By applying a current, they flipped the atom's magnetic charge, altering the resistance of the molecule as well -- which they subsequently measured, storing a bit. Compared to a typical magnetic drive which needs 3 million atoms per bit, a device made this way could theoretically store 50 thousand times as much data in the same size -- and would be an all-electric device, to boot. If the research ever pans out, a terabyte magnetic drive could turn into a 50 petabyte solid state unit -- hopefully ready in time for all those 4K home movies you'll need to store one day soon.


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