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标题: [放炮] 刺刀见红的时刻就在下周! [打印本页]

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-28 00:02     标题: 刺刀见红的时刻就在下周!


3)7月份 PMI
第一个会有方案: 1)估计明后天财政部会公布手里资金结余。2)联储会公布应变措施



作者: 看彩云伴海鸥    时间: 2011-7-28 00:11

作者: seafood    时间: 2011-7-28 00:23

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-28 00:24

作者: 看彩云伴海鸥    时间: 2011-7-28 00:29

作者: 看彩云伴海鸥    时间: 2011-7-28 00:31

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-28 00:35

回复 6# 看彩云伴海鸥

作者: 看彩云伴海鸥    时间: 2011-7-28 00:52

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-28 21:40     标题: 明天GDP出炉

本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2011-7-28 22:13 编辑

8:30 AM ET

Employment Cost Index
8:30 AM ET

Chicago PMI
9:45 AM ET

Consumer Sentiment
9:55 AM ET

Fed's Jackson Hole event Speaks
作者: 看彩云伴海鸥    时间: 2011-7-28 21:51

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-31 21:29

本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2011-7-31 21:43 编辑


短期美元会超跌反弹? 对金子?

明天是月初,过去几个月大盘都是在月初形成高点。 明天有美国PMI数据, 不好的话也许这就是八月的高点了,但日本地震的影响越来越小了, 也许PMI趋势是越来越好。

周三至周五是就业数据, 很关键。最近明州政府关门,但纽约市不会layoff更多教师。服务业如狗剩,娇生,默沙东都减员了。好的情况是,房建商又开始建新房了。

Monday Aug

ISM Mfg Index
10:00 AM ET

Construction Spending
10:00 AM  ET

Tuesday Aug 2

Motor Vehicle Sales

ICSC-Goldman Store Sales
7:45 AM ET

Personal Income and Outlays
8:30 AM ET

Wednesday Aug 3

MBA Purchase Applications
7:00 AM ET

Challenger Job-Cut Report
7:30 AM ET

ADP Employment Report
8:15 AM ET

Factory Orders
10:00 AM ET

ISM Non-Mfg Index
10:00 AM ET

EIA Petroleum Status Report
10:30 AM ET

Friday Aug 5
Employment Situation
8:30 AM ET

Consumer Credit
3:00 PM ET

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-8-1 01:30

China’s manufacturing slowed less than economists estimated in July even as smaller businesses were hurt by tighter credit and weakness in export demand.

The Purchasing Managers’ Index was at 50.7 compared with 50.9 in June, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said in a statement in its website today. That exceeded each forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of 13 economists. A separate measure released by HSBC Holdings Plc contracted for the first time in a year.
作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-8-1 16:02

Shorted some SPY put spread for a quick bounce to 1300.

I felt that 1300 would be be the top for the next few weeks, unless we have a huge NFP data.
作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-8-4 22:01


这轮的猛跌很惨烈, 但也很无厘头。 08年那种情况是投机分子以中国办奥运的名义把油价推到150一桶,彻底打垮消费者,外加加上次贷危机造成资金冻结,所造成的恐慌。

偶们这里的情况也没有像股票这样的糟糕。 连最近被雷的朋友周末还在悠闲地打高球呢。 高中毕业的孩子们暑期也能打到短工。至少餐馆,外卖店都在雇人。

不少楼盘又开始动工兴建了。 Toll Brothers的高档condo和豪宅很抢手。

欧美经济的顶头风确实是很大-- 私人债务转乘公共债务-现在是winding down。 年初到现在是州和地方政府消减开支,现在FED也支持不住了。 里根, 小布什的愚蠢政策结成的恶果,现在越来越明显。 公司和富人把减税的好处转到国外投资,雇佣了上亿cheap labor。 他们把产品销往美国, 获利大都留在国外。 这是一种竭泽而渔的模型。 想想看AAPL卖一个Iphone给中国制造了多少机会?

作者: greenhand2009    时间: 2011-8-4 22:28

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-8-4 23:30

本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2011-8-5 00:05 编辑

回复 15# greenhand2009

偶认为这把屠牛刀是HF MM们顺水推舟的杰作。他们利用国债谈判的不确定性布局。正好赶上欧洲不确定和美国不利的数据。

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-8-4 23:32

The Most Important News to Listen to—It’s the Real Deal

04.08.2011 | Author: profitconfidential

I still feel that the most important news investors should be listening to is from corporations themselves. They are the enterprises, not government, and therefore they are the drivers of earnings growth. The fact of the matter is that we are in the age of austerity, and we deserve to be. All the excesses of the past have created the slow economic environment of the present. Investors’ concern about government cuts to spending is a worry that’s misplaced. The economy shouldn’t be based on government spending and stimulus; that’s up to individuals and entrepreneurs.

Just like last year, big corporations are saying that earnings are solid, and the expectation is for further improvement in the bottom half of this year. Many Wall Street analysts are increasing their earnings expectations for S&P 500 companies this year and next, and, based on those expectations, the stock market is looking very reasonably priced at this time.

No doubt, the sovereign debt issue in Europe and the debt-ceiling negotiations in the U.S. were confidence killers. Add in some weaker economic news and you can easily see why the stock market retreated. But I think this market has a real resiliency to it and there’s a good chance that it won’t break down. If this were to happen, it would go against what corporations are saying about their businesses.

There is one important factor that investors need to keep in the back of their minds. What matters most in capital markets is the numbers. Unfortunately, people don’t particularly count. What I’m getting at is that the stock market can tolerate persistently weak employment numbers if corporate earnings are growing. If employment was improving and so was the housing market, then I have no doubt we would be in a full-blown bull market right now. As this is not the case, I think the market will hold together and tick higher modestly as long as the earnings growth is there. All that really matters in the equity market are earnings and this news so far is promising.

There is one big reason why I think corporate earnings can keep growing even if growth in the domestic economy grinds to a halt. It’s the dollar—a weaker dollar that should persist for several years to come. A weaker dollar is the biggest gift to domestic exporters and large-cap multinationals, because the earnings abroad translate into bigger earnings at home as the dollar falls relative to foreign currencies. The U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the value of the U.S. dollar compared to a basket of the world’s main currencies, has bounced around quite a bit over the last three years. However, since the beginning of 2010, it has been in a significant decline. The near-term trend for this index looks intact and this is good news for corporations.

As I say, there are plenty of potential shocks out there and investor confidence is already low. With a little bit of stability on the confidence front, I see corporate earnings swaying investor sentiment going into the fourth quarter. Stocks should be able to advance based on earnings news alone.
作者: greenhand2009    时间: 2011-8-5 09:27


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