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标题: [闲谈] 先这么设计,在兰箭头处(2310附近)就看你敢不敢买 [打印本页]

作者: 大傻    时间: 2011-5-16 22:22     标题: 先这么设计,在兰箭头处(2310附近)就看你敢不敢买

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-5-16 22:33

作者: 大傻    时间: 2011-5-16 22:43

my thinking is, this is still a pullback.

not4weak 发表于 2011-5-16 22:33

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-5-16 22:55

3# 大傻

watch and see
作者: wxp    时间: 2011-5-17 09:56

This is still a pullback, but too early to jump in.
作者: farshine    时间: 2011-5-17 10:05

This is still a pullback, but too early to jump in.
wxp 发表于 2011-5-17 09:56

If every body have the same thought, then what will happen....?
作者: 大傻    时间: 2011-5-17 10:30

crap, crap, I am banging my head against wall now,, a good chance we missed this TQQQ trade.
作者: 大傻    时间: 2011-5-17 11:20

nice, no pull the trigger yet.

crap, crap, I am banging my head against wall now,, a good chance we missed this TQQQ trade.
大傻 发表于 2011-5-17 10:30

作者: 大傻    时间: 2011-5-23 09:58

Here comes the blue arrow, 2307.

Tried TQQQ at $81.30
作者: 大傻    时间: 2011-5-31 19:54

contiune to hold.

Here comes the blue arrow, 2307.

Tried TQQQ at $81.30大傻 发表于 2011-5-23 09:58

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