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标题: John Paulson's move [打印本页]

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2010-11-3 18:40     标题: John Paulson's move

Read what Paulson did with HIG      3-Nov-10 12:12 pm     Hedge fund manager John Paulson has proven his ability to deliver notable returns in bull and bear markets, but after returning gains in 2008 and 2009, Paulson & Co. got off to a rough start in 2010. More recently, Paulson's flagship Advantage fund rebounded with a 12.5% September rally, according to The Wall Street Journal, which cited anonymous sources. Given the billionaire's bullish outlook for stocks, investors will be watching closely when his hedge fund's end-of-Q3 holdings are disclosed later this month.

Back in September, Paulson forecasted double-digit inflation by 2012 in a speech at New York's University Club -- a prospect he sees as bullish for gold, stocks, and real estate, and bearish for fixed income investments and the dollar.

At the end of the second quarter, Paulson & Co.'s top-15 U.S.-listed equity holdings included sizable bets on the gold rally, including a 31.5 million-share position in the popular SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD - News), and bets on Canadian miner Kinross Gold (NYSE: KGC - News) and South African miner Anglogold (NYSE: AU - News).

Elsewhere in the portfolio, Paulson left his bank bets on Citigroup (NYSE: C - News), Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC - News), Bank of America (NYSE: BAC - News), and SunTrust Banks (NYSE: STI - News) unchanged in the three months ended June, while more than tripling down on insurer Hartford Financial Services (NYSE: HIG - News) and adding a new position in energy giant ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM - News).

Investors won't be sure where Paulson stands now until later this month, when the deadline for end-of-Q3 filings hits. At, members can track Paulson &. Co.'s latest holdings, see a graph of their combined performance, and be notified when the firm's new holdings are made public.

Pro portfolio performance is based on institutions' top-15 holdings as disclosed in quarter-end filings with the SEC.

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