[闲谈] In the event of an emergency, seven people...
in the world have the power to shut down and reboot the Internet.
Who are the seven?
She is one of seven people around the world entrusted with a secret code key which would allow her to close down and 'reboot' the Internet in the event of a disaster.
In the U.S. there are two operational centres, one on the East coast and one on the West coast where the code keys are updated four times a year and if the Internet was attacked three of the seven people who have access to the code key need to get to one of the operation centres to restore the system.
If three of the seven with code key access couldn't get to the place to restore the system there are another seven back-up people.
If nobody managers to get there, if the U.S. for example closed its borders ICANN can still drill open the safes and restore the system.
So, they've got it covered from all angles... |