我的话就会和孩子说清楚,孩子已经大学了能分清是非,然后就是让那男的的净身出户去,不肯的话,咱也不客气 ...
wen782220 发表于 2012-11-8 09:54 
totally agree! A woman have to love yourself before someone else love you, you have to respect yourself before someone else respect you. First, ask yourself if you can live without your husband? dso you completely relie on him finacially? if you do, suck it up and stay with him. id you don't, ask yourself if you still love him? if you don't, leave him. if you do love him, ask yourself if you can swallow that fact that he DID NOT love you anymore? if you can swallow it, stay; otherwise leave him. Divorce is not the end of the world. but live with him miserablly is a slow-processed suicide------you are killing no one but yourself. get rid off him, turn around, you will find sky is still blue and sun is still bright. your son is a grow man, he will understand what is good and bad-----and as a mother and wictim of adultry, you are responsible to teach him that commit extramarital affair and adultry is in criminal, is not something acceptable. I am so sorry for Chinese society now a days when extramarital affair is considered Normal and Cool by some young girls. but do not forget, what comes around goes around, those who break the other peoples marriage will be served someday. |