Commodities to play up side: Copper
Commodidties to play down side: Oil
US$: strong
Gold: swing trading
US stock market: top is there, be cautious
G_ Country to play: Germany
US economy: weak. 1. uneployment 2.housing 3. small biz
silver: overvalued
housing: weak
GDP: 1, 1.5%, negtive is also possible
cheap energy and food is over
buy$hold strategy - dead 70% volume - high frequency trading, computer does not care.....
difficult to earn 2 digitals return with either global or local exposure, focused or diversified
trading or investing?
shanghai market not going anywhere, lots of issues
do not invest chinese companies, but invest companies selling products to china
buy tech, sell sp, even tech is not cheap at all, you know, you should not trade the real world
Commodidties to play down side: Oil
Gold: swing trading
silver: overvalued
buy$hold strategy - dead
shanghai market not going anywhere, lots of issues
cheap energy and food is over
buy tech, sell sp, even tech is not cheap at all, you know, you should not trade the real world --这本身是自相矛盾的看法。
US stock market: top is there, be cautious -