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snowrider 发表于 2011-12-20 16:04

wine makes your vessels soften
黄道吉日 发表于 2011-12-20 16:13

I believe flossing is a good habit
Do it after every meal
Wine contains alcohol, which kills bacteria
Wine not only makes your vascular system healthy but the XY organ harder
OMG, I am yellowish
Run for life
I believe flossing is a good habit
Do it after every meal
Wine contains alcohol, which kills b ...
aimei 发表于 2011-12-20 16:22

I do floss always.....alcohol sure kills bacteria, but....are you sure it makes your XX better? then why each and every time I drink my XY is softened?........

那时侯的治疗主要就是靠养 ...
wxp 发表于 2011-12-20 16:20

I do floss always.....alcohol sure kills bacteria, but....are you sure it makes your XX better?  ...
黄道吉日 发表于 2011-12-20 16:24

then, must fake one
4/8/12 oz
not more than 16oz
Okie dokie, Darling
then, must fake one
4/8/12 oz
not more than 16oz
Okie dokie, Darling
aimei 发表于 2011-12-20 16:32

黄道吉日 发表于 2011-12-20 16:38

Lacking enzyme? or never been turned on?
Try Korean rice wine, little by little to induce the enzyme
However if no enzyme, give up drinking, it will hurt your liver, Rare case anyway
Am I your doctor? sounds like it ~v~. I do know medical science,

Snowrider is expert in wine le
Lacking enzyme? or never been turned on?
Try Korean rice wine, little by little to induce the e ...
aimei 发表于 2011-12-20 16:49

愛妹 - 這瓶94分的好喝:

http://www.wine.com/V6/Atlas-Pea ... /108131/detail.aspx
Lacking enzyme? or never been turned on?
Try Korean rice wine, little by little to induce the e ...
aimei 发表于 2011-12-20 16:49

愛妹 - 這瓶94分的好喝:
snowrider 发表于 2011-12-20 16:56

I go to get this evening
I couldn't wait le
黄道吉日 发表于 2011-12-20 16:59

u said 一滴也不行?
no 23, she can drink 6 of 一斤白酒?

酒桶啊, 嘎嘎嘎
u said 一滴也不行?
no 23, she can drink 6 of 一斤白酒?

酒桶啊, 嘎嘎嘎
aimei 发表于 2011-12-20 17:07


乱心 丨not 乱性?
愛妹 - 這瓶94分的好喝:
snowrider 发表于 2011-12-20 16:56

Local wine store 木有