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[放炮] DT covered

not bad!!

not bad!!
重新再测试 发表于 2011-11-17 14:41

我倒! 又是一个MHP!
after I watched the mkt this morning, I decided to short. No idea until that time. And now, no idea about tomorrow.
回复 2# farshine

   他 cover 的点位还行啊。
after I watched the mkt this morning, I decided to short. No idea until that time. And now, no idea  ...
重新再测试 发表于 2011-11-17 14:48

早上的时候能像现在这样说说, 俺就更高兴了。当然这时候说, 也算瞧得起俺,俺谢了
论坛的显示发贴时间要比实际早两分钟,也就是说小重的帖子是14:39分发的。如果在14:38分,俺不会关空仓。俺 ...
wxp 发表于 2011-11-17 15:22

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