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sweettomato 当前离线
tfmegatron (一骑绝尘)当前离线
看来俺要凭一己之力将BIDU打到个位数,厚厚! tfmegatron 发表于 2010-9-23 13:33
wxp 当前离线
炒股害人啊! 一直拿着是因为股权证被俺装框挂在了书房墙上了 得 现在得取下来锁进保险箱了 秋之皓月 发表于 2010-9-23 13:32
俺帮你,不要急,天朝的庄家俺也有内线,到时候俺PM你。。。 :-) sweettomato 发表于 2010-9-23 13:34
seagal (小牛宝宝)当前离线
那你的徒弟海妞前些日子烧百度,你也不拦一下。 wxp 发表于 2010-9-23 13:35
pdz 当前离线
老秋师徒也做多了? pdz 发表于 2010-9-23 13:53
I purchased calls at $67.9. Lao Qiu asked me to hedge at $72.0. I removed hedge at $74. And I am going to sell the calls today... Also, I have LVS calls at $20.2... seagal 发表于 2010-9-23 13:50
Everything follows Lao Qiu, you will be a loser... I have my own picks... seagal 发表于 2010-9-23 13:55